
Готовые объекты недвижимости для инвестиций для внж португалии

Тип недвижимости
Диапазон цены
Критерий подбора
Select *, (Select count(*) from catalog where exists(Select * from catalog_values where catalog.id=catalog_values.idt and catalog_values.def=catalog_paramdef.id limit 1) and catalog.lang="ru" and catalog.hide=0 and catalog.flag_sold=0 and and catalog.city_id=24 limit 1) as count from catalog_paramdef where idp=25 order by name_ru asc
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and catalog.city_id=24 limit 1) as count from catalog_paramdef where idp=25 or' at line 1
Тип сделки
Select *, (Select count(*) from catalog where exists(Select * from catalog_values where catalog.id=catalog_values.idt and catalog_values.def=catalog_paramdef.id limit 1) and catalog.lang="ru" and catalog.hide=0 and catalog.flag_sold=0 and and catalog.city_id=24 limit 1) as count from catalog_paramdef where idp=1 order by name_ru asc
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and catalog.city_id=24 limit 1) as count from catalog_paramdef where idp=1 ord' at line 1
Select count(id) as n from catalog where catalog.lang="ru" and catalog.hide=0 and catalog.flag_sold=0 and and catalog.city_id=24 limit 1
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and catalog.city_id=24 limit 1' at line 1
Select *, (Select catalog_values.text from catalog_values, catalog_param where catalog_values.idp=catalog_param.id and catalog_values.idt=catalog.id and catalog_param.id=4 limit 1) as square, (Select fname from catalog_photo where catalog_photo.type="gallery" and catalog_photo.idt=catalog.id order by tomain desc, id asc limit 1) as fname, (Select title_ru from catalog_location where catalog_location.id=catalog.region_id limit 1) as region, (Select title_ru from catalog_location where catalog_location.id=catalog.city_id limit 1) as city from catalog where catalog.lang="ru" and catalog.hide=0 and catalog.flag_sold=0 and and catalog.city_id=24 order by timecreate desc limit 0,15
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and catalog.city_id=24 order by timecreate desc limit 0,15' at line 5
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Поможем подготовить все необходимые документы для осуществления сделки и получения ВНЖ
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Осуществим пошаговое сопровождение на всех этапах сделки.
Возьмем в свои руки последующее управление недвижимостью
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